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Mosten Alloy Co., Ltd.

The earliest application of micro fertilizer in China's Agriculture: Mo fertilizer the earliest application of micro fertilizer in China's Agriculture: Mo fertilizer

  • Mosten
  • 23 June

When it comes to molybdenum fertilizer, we always start with such a story. This is a strange thing happened in New Zealand pastures several decades ago (at that time): due to the bad weather, the pastures planted by farmers in the pastures are almost short and small, and even yellow and withered. It looks like a yellow ocean in the past. But there is a small plot of grass that grows well, like a small green island. What's the matter?

It turns out that there is a molybdenum factory near the "Green Island". The absentees often take a short cut and pass by here. They drop the molybdenum powder stuck on their shoes on this small piece of land. Therefore, the grass along the way grows very well.

The role of molybdenum directly determines the application of molybdenum fertilizer. So let's see what molybdenum does first.

The role of molybdenum

Although they need less molybdenum in the growing process of crops and flowers, it has to be said that molybdenum is still one of the essential micronutrients for plants.

1. Molybdenum is a component of nitrogenase and nitrate reductase. Therefore, it has a very close relationship with nitrogen metabolism in plants. Molybdenum not only plays an important role in biological nitrogen fixation, but also participates in the reduction process of nitric acid. Mo deficiency can affect the synthesis of nitrogen fixation and protein.

2. Molybdenum can promote the absorption of phosphorus and the transformation of inorganic phosphorus to organic phosphorus.

3. Molybdenum plays an important role in the production, transportation and transformation of vitamin C and carbohydrate.

What is molybdenum fertilizer?

Molybdenum fertilizer is a kind of microelement fertilizer (micro fertilizer), which has the function of providing plant nutrients with the indicated amount of molybdenum.

What kinds of molybdenum fertilizer are there?

1. It mainly includes ammonium molybdate (containing 54% molybdenum) and sodium molybdate (containing 39%) - they are very soluble in water and are suitable for soil fertilization, foliar spraying and seed treatment.

2. Molybdenum trioxide (containing 66.6% molybdenum) - it has low solubility and certain effect.

3. Mo containing glass fertilizer, which is difficult to dissolve in water, belongs to slow effect fertilizer. It is often used as base fertilizer, and must have a finer particle size, and its aftereffect is long.

4. Industrial waste containing molybdenum is a better and cheap fertilizer source, such as the leftover material (containing about 10% molybdenum) for molybdate production.

5. Molybdic superphosphate (molybdic superphosphate) - it is made by adding ammonium molybdate, sodium molybdate, molybdenum trioxide, and even molybdic industrial waste to superphosphate.

Sodium molybdate

Which crops often use molybdenum fertilizer?

At present, soybean and peanut in legume plants are the crops with more molybdenum fertilizer. Molybdenum fertilizer can make peanut fruit more, peanut kernel plump, increase the yield of Holland bean, improve its disease resistance and prolong the harvest time. Because molybdenum is a necessary element for nitrogen fixation of legumes. In addition, broccoli, cotton, beet, tomato and other crops need more molybdenum.

Molybdenum trioxide

Application method of molybdenum fertilizer

The application methods of molybdenum fertilizer mainly include soil application, foliar spraying and seed treatment. Among them, foliar spraying and seed treatment are most commonly used.

1. Molybdenum is applied to the soil. The amount of molybdenum fertilizer should be determined according to the nature of the soil, the species of plants, the varieties of molybdenum fertilizer and the application methods. Molybdenum fertilizer can be directly applied to the soil through the method of spreading or strip application. However, because the demand of crops for molybdenum is small, that is to say, the application amount of molybdenum fertilizer is small and it is difficult to be even when applied, so it is rarely applied to the soil alone. Moreover, the price of ammonium molybdate is expensive, and the method of soil application is seldom used. Generally, molybdenum fertilizer is added to superphosphate and other large amount of element fertilizer to mix and apply, or molybdenum fertilizer is dissolved in liquid fertilizer to apply.

2. Foliar spraying - it can be applied in time and effectively when molybdenum deficiency symptoms occur during plant growth, and can also be applied in the critical period of plant nutrition to achieve the best effect. Moreover, in order to achieve better results, it can usually be combined with seed treatment. In addition, it is also a way to save fertilizer, because it is applied directly to plants, without soil, plants absorb faster.

3. Seed treatment: save labor, simple operation, save fertilizer most, and avoid the fixing effect of soil on molybdenum. There are two ways of seed treatment: seed soaking and seed dressing. Among them, the seed dressing method can apply more fertilizer, and the water absorbed by the seed is less, so it is not easy to break the seed coat. It should be noted that during seed treatment, the amount of molybdenum fertilizer should not be too large, otherwise it will affect seed germination; the seeds mixed with molybdenum fertilizer can not be eaten by people and animals, so as to avoid molybdenum poisoning.

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